Family and Friends
Family and Friends
Caregivers can be family members, volunteers or paid workers.
- Home Care LINK’s care coordination software connects you with all of them.
- Our home care scheduling software tells caregivers what actions and observations they are required to record.
When you can’t be there, Home Care LINK can.

The Software
Home Care LINK makes it easy for the caregiver to accurately report:
You know exactly who visited your loved one.
Every reported action or observation includes a date/time stamp. Learn exactly when they arrived and departed. Receive alerts if there is a No Show.
Every reported action or observation includes a GPS.
Most actions and observations just require a drop down list checkmark – no writing required. If more detail is required, free form notes and pictures can be added.
Each caregiver has a unique PIN. You know exactly who visited your loved one.
Every reported action or observation includes a date/time stamp. Learn exactly when they arrived and departed. Receive alerts if there is a No Show.
Every reported action or observation includes a GPS.
Most actions and observations just require a drop down list checkmark – no writing required. If more detail is required, free form notes and pictures can be added.

Health Outcomes
Whenever possible, living at home produces the best health outcomes.
- Home Care LINK makes it easy to comply with medical providers’ requirements.
- If medical device measurements are required, they are documented.
- Rather than waiting between doctor visits, you will be able to react before outcomes reach the critical stage.
Further, our home health software sends immediate alerts if a crisis situation should occur.

Treating loved ones at home with effective, non-medical caregivers is the least expensive care option.
Home Care LINK helps insure you are getting your money’s worth from your caregivers.

Home Care LINK:
Developed by Oversight Inc.
Powered by Mobile Worker ConnectionTM
Copyright © 2019 Oversight Inc. All rights Reserved